twa - tiny web auditor with strong opinions


twa [-wvcsdV] DOMAIN


twa takes a DOMAIN hosting a website and performs a short security audit. It can be used to detect HTTP(S) issues, missing security headers, information-leaking headers, and other potential security hazards.

twa takes only one DOMAIN at a time. If you need to audit multiple sites, run the program again.


-v Verbose mode.

-w Perform the audit on the main DOMAIN and the www. subdomain.

-c Emit output in CSV.

-s Run testssl-based checks (skipped by default)

-d Disable scanning common development ports

-V Print the version and exit.

-h Print a help message and exit.


NO_COLOR Don't colorize output, even when on a TTY.

TWA_TIMEOUT The maximum length, in seconds, for internal curl calls.

TWA_USER_AGENT The User-Agent to use for all curl calls.

TWA_CURLOPTS Any additional options to pass to curl calls.


Each line of output describes the result of a single test, and follows the "RESULT(DOMAIN): explanation" format, where RESULT is one of the following:

PASS The test passed with flying colors.

MEH The test passed, but with one or more things that could be improved.

FAIL The test failed, and should be fixed.

UNK The server gave us something we didn't understand.

SKIP The server gave us something we understood, but that we don't handle yet.

FATAL A really important test failed, and should be fixed immediately.


None known. File issues at:


twa is maintained by William Woodruff (<william @>).

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