Module tourniquet.patch_lang

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import itertools
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Callable, Iterator, List, Optional

from . import models
from .error import PatchConcretizationError
from .location import Location

class Expression(ABC):
    Represents an abstract source "expression".

    `Expression` is an abstract base class whose interfaces should be consumed via
    specific derived classes.

    def concretize(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> Iterator[str]:
        yield from ()

    def view(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> str:
        return "Expression()"

class Lit(Expression):
    Represents a literal source string.

    Template authors can use this to insert pre-formed source code, or code that doesn't need
    to be concretized by location.

    def __init__(self, expr: str):
        Create a new `Lit` with the given source string.

            expr: The source literal
        self.expr = expr

    def concretize(self, _db, _location) -> Iterator[str]:
        Concretize this literal into its underlying source string.
        yield self.expr

    def view(self, _db, _location):
        return f"Lit({self.expr})"

class Variable(Expression):
    Represents an abstract source variable.

    # NOTE(ww): This is probably slightly unsound, in terms of concretizations
    # produced: the set of variables in a function is not the set of variables
    # guaranteed to be in scope at a line number.
    def concretize(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> Iterator[str]:
        Concretize this `Variable` into its potential names.

            db: The AST database to concretize against
            location: The location to concretize at

            A generator of strings, each of which is a concrete variable name

            PatchConcretizationError: If the scope of the variable can't be resolved

        # TODO(ww): We should also concretize with the available globals.
        function = db.function_at(location)
        if function is None:
            raise PatchConcretizationError(
                f"no function contains ({location.line}, {location.column})"

        for var_decl in function.var_decls:

    def view(self, _db, _location) -> str:
        return "Variable()"

class StaticBufferSize(Expression):
    Represents an abstract "sizeof(...)" expression.

    # Query for all static array types and return list of sizeof()..
    def concretize(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> Iterator[str]:
        Concretize this `StaticBufferSize` into its potential sizes.

            db: The AST database to concretize against
            location: The location to concretize at

            A generator of strings, each of which is a concrete `sizeof(...)` expression

            PatchConcretizationError: If the scope of the location is not a function

        # TODO(ww): We should also concretize with available globals.
        function = db.function_at(location)

        if function is None:
            raise PatchConcretizationError(
                f"no function contains ({location.line}, {location.column})"

        for var_decl in function.var_decls:
            if not var_decl.is_array:
            yield f"sizeof({})"

    def view(self, _db, _location) -> str:
        return "StaticBufferSize()"

class BinaryMathOperator(Expression):
    Represents the possible binary math operators, along with their lhs and rhs expressions.

    def __init__(self, lhs: Expression, rhs: Expression):
        Create a new `BinaryMathOperator` with the given `lhs` and `rhs`.

            lhs: An `Expression` to use for the left-hand side
            rhs: An `Expression` to use for the right-hand side
        self.lhs = lhs
        self.rhs = rhs

    def concretize(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> Iterator[str]:
        Concretize this `BinaryMathOperator` into its possible operator expressions.

            db: The AST database to concretize against
            location: The location to concretize at

            A generator of strings, each of which is a concrete binary math expression
        lhs_exprs = self.lhs.concretize(db, location)
        rhs_exprs = self.rhs.concretize(db, location)
        for (lhs, rhs) in itertools.product(lhs_exprs, rhs_exprs):
            yield f"{lhs} + {rhs}"
            yield f"{lhs} - {rhs}"
            yield f"{lhs} / {rhs}"
            yield f"{lhs} * {rhs}"
            yield f"{lhs} << {rhs}"
            # TODO(ww): Missing for unknown reasons: >>, &, |, ^, %

    def view(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> str:
        return f"BinaryMathOperator({self.lhs.view(db, location)}, {self.lhs.view(db, location)})"

class BinaryBoolOperator(Expression):
    Represents the possible binary boolean operators, along with their lhs and rhs expressions.

    def __init__(self, lhs: Expression, rhs: Expression):
        Create a new `BinaryBoolOperator` with the given `lhs` and `rhs`.

            lhs: An `Expression` to use for the left-hand side
            rhs: An `Expression` to use for the right-hand side
        self.lhs = lhs
        self.rhs = rhs

    def concretize(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> Iterator[str]:
        Concretize this `BinaryBoolOperator` into its possible operator expressions.

            db: The AST database to concretize against
            location: The location to concretize at

            A generator of strings, each of which is a concrete binary boolean expression
        lhs_exprs = self.lhs.concretize(db, location)
        rhs_exprs = self.rhs.concretize(db, location)
        for (lhs, rhs) in itertools.product(lhs_exprs, rhs_exprs):
            yield f"{lhs} == {rhs}"
            yield f"{lhs} != {rhs}"
            yield f"{lhs} <= {rhs}"
            yield f"{lhs} < {rhs}"
            yield f"{lhs} >= {rhs}"
            yield f"{lhs} > {rhs}"
            # TODO(ww): If location is in a C++ source file, maybe add <=>

    def view(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> str:
        return f"BinaryBoolOperator({self.lhs.view(db, location)}, {self.rhs.view(db, location)})"

class LessThanExpr(Expression):
    Represents the less-than boolean operator, along with its lhs and rhs expressions.

    def __init__(self, lhs: Expression, rhs: Expression):
        Create a new `LessThanExpr` with the given `lhs` and `rhs`.

            lhs: An `Expression` to use for the left-hand side.
            rhs: An `Expression` to use for the right-hand side.
        self.lhs = lhs
        self.rhs = rhs

    def concretize(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> Iterator[str]:
        Concretize this `LessThanExpr` into its possible operator expressions.

            db: The AST database to concretize against
            location: The location to concretize at

            A generator of strings, each of which is a concrete less-than boolean expression

        lhs_exprs = self.lhs.concretize(db, location)
        rhs_exprs = self.rhs.concretize(db, location)
        for (lhs, rhs) in itertools.product(lhs_exprs, rhs_exprs):
            yield f"{lhs} < {rhs}"

    def view(self, db: models.DB, location: Location):
        self.lhs.view(db, location) + " < " + self.rhs.view(db, location)

class Statement(ABC):
    Represents an source "statement".

    `Statement` is an abstract base whose interfaces should be consumed via specific
    derived classes.

    def concretize(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> Iterator[str]:

    def view(self, db: models.DB, location: Location):

class StatementList:
    Represents a sequence of statements.

    def __init__(self, *args):
        self.statements: List[Statement] = args

    def concretize(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> Iterator[str]:
        Concretize this `StatementList` into its possible statement seqences.

        This involves concretizing each statement and taking their unique
        product, such that every possible permutation of statements in the list
        is produced.

            db: The AST database to concretize against
            locaton: The location to concretize at

            A generator of strings, each of which is a concreqte sequence of statements
        concretized = [stmt.concretize(db, location) for stmt in self.statements]
        for items in set(itertools.product(*concretized)):
            yield "\n".join(items)

    def view(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> str:
        final_str = ""
        for stmt in self.statements:
            final_str += stmt.view(db, location) + "\n"
        return final_str

class IfStmt(Statement):
    Represents an `if(...) { ... }` statement.

    def __init__(self, cond_expr: Expression, *args: List[Statement]):
        Creates a new `IfStmt`.

            cond_expr: The expression to evaluate
            args: The statements to use in the body of the `if`
        self.cond_expr = cond_expr
        self.statement_list = StatementList(*args)

    def concretize(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> Iterator[str]:
        Concretize this `IfStmt` into its possible statements.

            db: The AST database to concretize against
            location: The location to concretize at

            A generator of strings, each of which is an `if` statement
        cond_list = self.cond_expr.concretize(db, location)
        stmt_list = self.statement_list.concretize(db, location)
        for (cond, stmt) in itertools.product(cond_list, stmt_list):
            cand_str = "if (" + cond + ") {\n" + stmt + "\n}\n"
            yield cand_str

    def view(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> str:
        if_str = "if (" + self.cond_expr.view(db, location) + ") {\n"
        if_str += self.statement_list.view(db, location)
        if_str += "\n}\n"
        return if_str

class ElseStmt(Statement):
    Represents an `else { ... }` statement.

    def __init__(self, *args: List[Statement]):
        Creates a new `ElseStmt`.

            args: The statements to use in the body of the `else`

        self.statement_list = StatementList(*args)

    def concretize(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> Iterator[str]:
        Concretize this `ElseStmt` into its possible statements.

            db: The AST database to concretize against
            location: The location to concretize at

            A generator of strings, each of which is an `else` statement
        stmt_list = self.statement_list.concretize(db, location)
        for stmt in stmt_list:
            cand_str = "else {\n" + stmt + "\n}\n"
            yield cand_str

    def view(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> str:
        return "else {\n" + self.statement_list.view(db, location) + "\n}\n"

class ReturnStmt(Statement):
    Represents a `return ...;` statement.

    def __init__(self, expr: Expression):
        Creates a new `ReturnStmt`.

            expr: The expression to concretize for the `return`
        self.expr = expr

    def concretize(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> Iterator[str]:
        Concretize this `ReturnStmt` into its possible statements.

            db: The AST database to concretize against
            location: The location to concretize at

            A generator of strings, each of which is an `return` statement
        expr_list = self.expr.concretize(db, location)
        for exp in expr_list:
            candidate_str = f"return {exp};"
            yield candidate_str

    def view(self, db: models.DB, location: Location):
        return f"return {self.expr.view(db, location)};"

# TODO This should take a Node, which is something from... the DB? Maybe?
# TODO(ww): This should probably be renamed to ASTStmt or similar.
class NodeStmt(Statement):
    Represents a statement from the AST database, identified by location.

    def concretize(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> Iterator[str]:
        Concretize this `NodeStmt` into its concrete statement.

            db: The AST database to concretize against
            location: The statement's location

            A generator of strings, whose single item is the extracted AST statement
        source_info = self.fetch_node(db, location)
        yield source_info

    def view(self, db, location) -> str:
        # Fetch and create a node.
        source_info = self.fetch_node(db, location)
        return source_info

    def fetch_node(self, db, location) -> str:
        Fetches the statement at the given location.

            db: The AST database to query against.
            location: The location of the statement.

            The statement, including trailing semicolon.

            PatchConcretizationError: If there is no statement at the supplied location.
        statement = db.statement_at(location)
        if statement is None:
            raise PatchConcretizationError(f"no statement at ({location.line}, {location.column})")

        if statement.expr.endswith(";"):
            return statement.expr
            return f"{statement.expr};"

class FixPattern:
    Represents a program "fix" that can be concretized into a sequence of candidate patches.

    def __init__(self, *args: List[Statement]):
        Create a new `FixPattern`.

            args: The statements to use in the fix
        self.statement_list = StatementList(*args)

    def concretize(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> Iterator[str]:
        Concretize this `FixPattern` into a sequence of candidate patches.

            db: The AST database to concretize against
            location: The location to concretize at

            A generator of strings, each of which is a candidate patch
        yield from self.statement_list.concretize(db, location)

    def view(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> str:
        return self.statement_list.view(db, location)

class PatchTemplate:
    Represents a templatized patch, including a matcher callable.

    def __init__(
        self, fix_pattern: FixPattern, matcher_func: Optional[Callable[[int, int], bool]] = None
        Create a new `PatchTemplate`.

            fix_pattern: The fix pattern to concretize into patches
            matcher_func: The callable to filter patch locations with, if any
        self.matcher_func = matcher_func
        self.fix_pattern = fix_pattern

    def matches(self, line: int, col: int) -> bool:
        Returns whether the given line and column is suitable for patch situation.

        Calls `self.matcher_func` internally, if supplied.

            line: The line to patch on
            column: The column to patch on

            `True` if `matcher_func` was not supplied or returns `True`, `False` otherwise
        if self.matcher_func is None:
            return True
        return self.matcher_func(line, col)

    def concretize(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> Iterator[str]:
        Concretize the inner `FixPattern` into a sequence of patch candidates.

            db: The AST database to concretize against
            location: The location to concretize at

            A generator of strings, each of which is a candidate patch

        yield from self.fix_pattern.concretize(db, location)

    def view(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> str:
        return self.fix_pattern.view(db, location)


class BinaryBoolOperator (lhs: Expression, rhs: Expression)

Represents the possible binary boolean operators, along with their lhs and rhs expressions.

Create a new BinaryBoolOperator with the given lhs and rhs.


An Expression to use for the left-hand side
An Expression to use for the right-hand side
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class BinaryBoolOperator(Expression):
    Represents the possible binary boolean operators, along with their lhs and rhs expressions.

    def __init__(self, lhs: Expression, rhs: Expression):
        Create a new `BinaryBoolOperator` with the given `lhs` and `rhs`.

            lhs: An `Expression` to use for the left-hand side
            rhs: An `Expression` to use for the right-hand side
        self.lhs = lhs
        self.rhs = rhs

    def concretize(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> Iterator[str]:
        Concretize this `BinaryBoolOperator` into its possible operator expressions.

            db: The AST database to concretize against
            location: The location to concretize at

            A generator of strings, each of which is a concrete binary boolean expression
        lhs_exprs = self.lhs.concretize(db, location)
        rhs_exprs = self.rhs.concretize(db, location)
        for (lhs, rhs) in itertools.product(lhs_exprs, rhs_exprs):
            yield f"{lhs} == {rhs}"
            yield f"{lhs} != {rhs}"
            yield f"{lhs} <= {rhs}"
            yield f"{lhs} < {rhs}"
            yield f"{lhs} >= {rhs}"
            yield f"{lhs} > {rhs}"
            # TODO(ww): If location is in a C++ source file, maybe add <=>

    def view(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> str:
        return f"BinaryBoolOperator({self.lhs.view(db, location)}, {self.rhs.view(db, location)})"



def concretize(self, db: DB, location: Location) ‑> Iterator[str]

Concretize this BinaryBoolOperator into its possible operator expressions.


The AST database to concretize against
The location to concretize at


A generator of strings, each of which is a concrete binary boolean expression

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def concretize(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> Iterator[str]:
    Concretize this `BinaryBoolOperator` into its possible operator expressions.

        db: The AST database to concretize against
        location: The location to concretize at

        A generator of strings, each of which is a concrete binary boolean expression
    lhs_exprs = self.lhs.concretize(db, location)
    rhs_exprs = self.rhs.concretize(db, location)
    for (lhs, rhs) in itertools.product(lhs_exprs, rhs_exprs):
        yield f"{lhs} == {rhs}"
        yield f"{lhs} != {rhs}"
        yield f"{lhs} <= {rhs}"
        yield f"{lhs} < {rhs}"
        yield f"{lhs} >= {rhs}"
        yield f"{lhs} > {rhs}"
        # TODO(ww): If location is in a C++ source file, maybe add <=>
def view(self, db: DB, location: Location) ‑> str
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def view(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> str:
    return f"BinaryBoolOperator({self.lhs.view(db, location)}, {self.rhs.view(db, location)})"
class BinaryMathOperator (lhs: Expression, rhs: Expression)

Represents the possible binary math operators, along with their lhs and rhs expressions.

Create a new BinaryMathOperator with the given lhs and rhs.


An Expression to use for the left-hand side
An Expression to use for the right-hand side
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class BinaryMathOperator(Expression):
    Represents the possible binary math operators, along with their lhs and rhs expressions.

    def __init__(self, lhs: Expression, rhs: Expression):
        Create a new `BinaryMathOperator` with the given `lhs` and `rhs`.

            lhs: An `Expression` to use for the left-hand side
            rhs: An `Expression` to use for the right-hand side
        self.lhs = lhs
        self.rhs = rhs

    def concretize(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> Iterator[str]:
        Concretize this `BinaryMathOperator` into its possible operator expressions.

            db: The AST database to concretize against
            location: The location to concretize at

            A generator of strings, each of which is a concrete binary math expression
        lhs_exprs = self.lhs.concretize(db, location)
        rhs_exprs = self.rhs.concretize(db, location)
        for (lhs, rhs) in itertools.product(lhs_exprs, rhs_exprs):
            yield f"{lhs} + {rhs}"
            yield f"{lhs} - {rhs}"
            yield f"{lhs} / {rhs}"
            yield f"{lhs} * {rhs}"
            yield f"{lhs} << {rhs}"
            # TODO(ww): Missing for unknown reasons: >>, &, |, ^, %

    def view(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> str:
        return f"BinaryMathOperator({self.lhs.view(db, location)}, {self.lhs.view(db, location)})"



def concretize(self, db: DB, location: Location) ‑> Iterator[str]

Concretize this BinaryMathOperator into its possible operator expressions.


The AST database to concretize against
The location to concretize at


A generator of strings, each of which is a concrete binary math expression

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def concretize(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> Iterator[str]:
    Concretize this `BinaryMathOperator` into its possible operator expressions.

        db: The AST database to concretize against
        location: The location to concretize at

        A generator of strings, each of which is a concrete binary math expression
    lhs_exprs = self.lhs.concretize(db, location)
    rhs_exprs = self.rhs.concretize(db, location)
    for (lhs, rhs) in itertools.product(lhs_exprs, rhs_exprs):
        yield f"{lhs} + {rhs}"
        yield f"{lhs} - {rhs}"
        yield f"{lhs} / {rhs}"
        yield f"{lhs} * {rhs}"
        yield f"{lhs} << {rhs}"
        # TODO(ww): Missing for unknown reasons: >>, &, |, ^, %
def view(self, db: DB, location: Location) ‑> str
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def view(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> str:
    return f"BinaryMathOperator({self.lhs.view(db, location)}, {self.lhs.view(db, location)})"
class ElseStmt (*args: List[Statement])

Represents an else { ... } statement.

Creates a new ElseStmt.


The statements to use in the body of the else
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class ElseStmt(Statement):
    Represents an `else { ... }` statement.

    def __init__(self, *args: List[Statement]):
        Creates a new `ElseStmt`.

            args: The statements to use in the body of the `else`

        self.statement_list = StatementList(*args)

    def concretize(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> Iterator[str]:
        Concretize this `ElseStmt` into its possible statements.

            db: The AST database to concretize against
            location: The location to concretize at

            A generator of strings, each of which is an `else` statement
        stmt_list = self.statement_list.concretize(db, location)
        for stmt in stmt_list:
            cand_str = "else {\n" + stmt + "\n}\n"
            yield cand_str

    def view(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> str:
        return "else {\n" + self.statement_list.view(db, location) + "\n}\n"



def concretize(self, db: DB, location: Location) ‑> Iterator[str]

Concretize this ElseStmt into its possible statements.


The AST database to concretize against
The location to concretize at


A generator of strings, each of which is an else statement

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def concretize(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> Iterator[str]:
    Concretize this `ElseStmt` into its possible statements.

        db: The AST database to concretize against
        location: The location to concretize at

        A generator of strings, each of which is an `else` statement
    stmt_list = self.statement_list.concretize(db, location)
    for stmt in stmt_list:
        cand_str = "else {\n" + stmt + "\n}\n"
        yield cand_str
def view(self, db: DB, location: Location) ‑> str
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def view(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> str:
    return "else {\n" + self.statement_list.view(db, location) + "\n}\n"
class Expression

Represents an abstract source "expression".

Expression is an abstract base class whose interfaces should be consumed via specific derived classes.

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class Expression(ABC):
    Represents an abstract source "expression".

    `Expression` is an abstract base class whose interfaces should be consumed via
    specific derived classes.

    def concretize(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> Iterator[str]:
        yield from ()

    def view(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> str:
        return "Expression()"


  • abc.ABC



def concretize(self, db: DB, location: Location) ‑> Iterator[str]
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def concretize(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> Iterator[str]:
    yield from ()
def view(self, db: DB, location: Location) ‑> str
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def view(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> str:
    return "Expression()"
class FixPattern (*args: List[Statement])

Represents a program "fix" that can be concretized into a sequence of candidate patches.

Create a new FixPattern.


The statements to use in the fix
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class FixPattern:
    Represents a program "fix" that can be concretized into a sequence of candidate patches.

    def __init__(self, *args: List[Statement]):
        Create a new `FixPattern`.

            args: The statements to use in the fix
        self.statement_list = StatementList(*args)

    def concretize(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> Iterator[str]:
        Concretize this `FixPattern` into a sequence of candidate patches.

            db: The AST database to concretize against
            location: The location to concretize at

            A generator of strings, each of which is a candidate patch
        yield from self.statement_list.concretize(db, location)

    def view(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> str:
        return self.statement_list.view(db, location)


def concretize(self, db: DB, location: Location) ‑> Iterator[str]

Concretize this FixPattern into a sequence of candidate patches.


The AST database to concretize against
The location to concretize at


A generator of strings, each of which is a candidate patch

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def concretize(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> Iterator[str]:
    Concretize this `FixPattern` into a sequence of candidate patches.

        db: The AST database to concretize against
        location: The location to concretize at

        A generator of strings, each of which is a candidate patch
    yield from self.statement_list.concretize(db, location)
def view(self, db: DB, location: Location) ‑> str
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def view(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> str:
    return self.statement_list.view(db, location)
class IfStmt (cond_expr: Expression, *args: List[Statement])

Represents an if(...) { ... } statement.

Creates a new IfStmt.


The expression to evaluate
The statements to use in the body of the if
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class IfStmt(Statement):
    Represents an `if(...) { ... }` statement.

    def __init__(self, cond_expr: Expression, *args: List[Statement]):
        Creates a new `IfStmt`.

            cond_expr: The expression to evaluate
            args: The statements to use in the body of the `if`
        self.cond_expr = cond_expr
        self.statement_list = StatementList(*args)

    def concretize(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> Iterator[str]:
        Concretize this `IfStmt` into its possible statements.

            db: The AST database to concretize against
            location: The location to concretize at

            A generator of strings, each of which is an `if` statement
        cond_list = self.cond_expr.concretize(db, location)
        stmt_list = self.statement_list.concretize(db, location)
        for (cond, stmt) in itertools.product(cond_list, stmt_list):
            cand_str = "if (" + cond + ") {\n" + stmt + "\n}\n"
            yield cand_str

    def view(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> str:
        if_str = "if (" + self.cond_expr.view(db, location) + ") {\n"
        if_str += self.statement_list.view(db, location)
        if_str += "\n}\n"
        return if_str



def concretize(self, db: DB, location: Location) ‑> Iterator[str]

Concretize this IfStmt into its possible statements.


The AST database to concretize against
The location to concretize at


A generator of strings, each of which is an if statement

Expand source code
def concretize(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> Iterator[str]:
    Concretize this `IfStmt` into its possible statements.

        db: The AST database to concretize against
        location: The location to concretize at

        A generator of strings, each of which is an `if` statement
    cond_list = self.cond_expr.concretize(db, location)
    stmt_list = self.statement_list.concretize(db, location)
    for (cond, stmt) in itertools.product(cond_list, stmt_list):
        cand_str = "if (" + cond + ") {\n" + stmt + "\n}\n"
        yield cand_str
def view(self, db: DB, location: Location) ‑> str
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def view(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> str:
    if_str = "if (" + self.cond_expr.view(db, location) + ") {\n"
    if_str += self.statement_list.view(db, location)
    if_str += "\n}\n"
    return if_str
class LessThanExpr (lhs: Expression, rhs: Expression)

Represents the less-than boolean operator, along with its lhs and rhs expressions.

Create a new LessThanExpr with the given lhs and rhs.


An Expression to use for the left-hand side.
An Expression to use for the right-hand side.
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class LessThanExpr(Expression):
    Represents the less-than boolean operator, along with its lhs and rhs expressions.

    def __init__(self, lhs: Expression, rhs: Expression):
        Create a new `LessThanExpr` with the given `lhs` and `rhs`.

            lhs: An `Expression` to use for the left-hand side.
            rhs: An `Expression` to use for the right-hand side.
        self.lhs = lhs
        self.rhs = rhs

    def concretize(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> Iterator[str]:
        Concretize this `LessThanExpr` into its possible operator expressions.

            db: The AST database to concretize against
            location: The location to concretize at

            A generator of strings, each of which is a concrete less-than boolean expression

        lhs_exprs = self.lhs.concretize(db, location)
        rhs_exprs = self.rhs.concretize(db, location)
        for (lhs, rhs) in itertools.product(lhs_exprs, rhs_exprs):
            yield f"{lhs} < {rhs}"

    def view(self, db: models.DB, location: Location):
        self.lhs.view(db, location) + " < " + self.rhs.view(db, location)



def concretize(self, db: DB, location: Location) ‑> Iterator[str]

Concretize this LessThanExpr into its possible operator expressions.


The AST database to concretize against
The location to concretize at


A generator of strings, each of which is a concrete less-than boolean expression

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def concretize(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> Iterator[str]:
    Concretize this `LessThanExpr` into its possible operator expressions.

        db: The AST database to concretize against
        location: The location to concretize at

        A generator of strings, each of which is a concrete less-than boolean expression

    lhs_exprs = self.lhs.concretize(db, location)
    rhs_exprs = self.rhs.concretize(db, location)
    for (lhs, rhs) in itertools.product(lhs_exprs, rhs_exprs):
        yield f"{lhs} < {rhs}"
def view(self, db: DB, location: Location)
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def view(self, db: models.DB, location: Location):
    self.lhs.view(db, location) + " < " + self.rhs.view(db, location)
class Lit (expr: str)

Represents a literal source string.

Template authors can use this to insert pre-formed source code, or code that doesn't need to be concretized by location.

Create a new Lit with the given source string.


The source literal
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class Lit(Expression):
    Represents a literal source string.

    Template authors can use this to insert pre-formed source code, or code that doesn't need
    to be concretized by location.

    def __init__(self, expr: str):
        Create a new `Lit` with the given source string.

            expr: The source literal
        self.expr = expr

    def concretize(self, _db, _location) -> Iterator[str]:
        Concretize this literal into its underlying source string.
        yield self.expr

    def view(self, _db, _location):
        return f"Lit({self.expr})"



def concretize(self, _db, _location) ‑> Iterator[str]

Concretize this literal into its underlying source string.

Expand source code
def concretize(self, _db, _location) -> Iterator[str]:
    Concretize this literal into its underlying source string.
    yield self.expr
def view(self, _db, _location)
Expand source code
def view(self, _db, _location):
    return f"Lit({self.expr})"
class NodeStmt

Represents a statement from the AST database, identified by location.

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class NodeStmt(Statement):
    Represents a statement from the AST database, identified by location.

    def concretize(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> Iterator[str]:
        Concretize this `NodeStmt` into its concrete statement.

            db: The AST database to concretize against
            location: The statement's location

            A generator of strings, whose single item is the extracted AST statement
        source_info = self.fetch_node(db, location)
        yield source_info

    def view(self, db, location) -> str:
        # Fetch and create a node.
        source_info = self.fetch_node(db, location)
        return source_info

    def fetch_node(self, db, location) -> str:
        Fetches the statement at the given location.

            db: The AST database to query against.
            location: The location of the statement.

            The statement, including trailing semicolon.

            PatchConcretizationError: If there is no statement at the supplied location.
        statement = db.statement_at(location)
        if statement is None:
            raise PatchConcretizationError(f"no statement at ({location.line}, {location.column})")

        if statement.expr.endswith(";"):
            return statement.expr
            return f"{statement.expr};"



def concretize(self, db: DB, location: Location) ‑> Iterator[str]

Concretize this NodeStmt into its concrete statement.


The AST database to concretize against
The statement's location


A generator of strings, whose single item is the extracted AST statement

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def concretize(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> Iterator[str]:
    Concretize this `NodeStmt` into its concrete statement.

        db: The AST database to concretize against
        location: The statement's location

        A generator of strings, whose single item is the extracted AST statement
    source_info = self.fetch_node(db, location)
    yield source_info
def fetch_node(self, db, location) ‑> str

Fetches the statement at the given location.


The AST database to query against.
The location of the statement.


The statement, including trailing semicolon.


If there is no statement at the supplied location.
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def fetch_node(self, db, location) -> str:
    Fetches the statement at the given location.

        db: The AST database to query against.
        location: The location of the statement.

        The statement, including trailing semicolon.

        PatchConcretizationError: If there is no statement at the supplied location.
    statement = db.statement_at(location)
    if statement is None:
        raise PatchConcretizationError(f"no statement at ({location.line}, {location.column})")

    if statement.expr.endswith(";"):
        return statement.expr
        return f"{statement.expr};"
def view(self, db, location) ‑> str
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def view(self, db, location) -> str:
    # Fetch and create a node.
    source_info = self.fetch_node(db, location)
    return source_info
class PatchTemplate (fix_pattern: FixPattern, matcher_func: Optional[Callable[[int, int], bool]] = None)

Represents a templatized patch, including a matcher callable.

Create a new PatchTemplate.


The fix pattern to concretize into patches
The callable to filter patch locations with, if any
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class PatchTemplate:
    Represents a templatized patch, including a matcher callable.

    def __init__(
        self, fix_pattern: FixPattern, matcher_func: Optional[Callable[[int, int], bool]] = None
        Create a new `PatchTemplate`.

            fix_pattern: The fix pattern to concretize into patches
            matcher_func: The callable to filter patch locations with, if any
        self.matcher_func = matcher_func
        self.fix_pattern = fix_pattern

    def matches(self, line: int, col: int) -> bool:
        Returns whether the given line and column is suitable for patch situation.

        Calls `self.matcher_func` internally, if supplied.

            line: The line to patch on
            column: The column to patch on

            `True` if `matcher_func` was not supplied or returns `True`, `False` otherwise
        if self.matcher_func is None:
            return True
        return self.matcher_func(line, col)

    def concretize(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> Iterator[str]:
        Concretize the inner `FixPattern` into a sequence of patch candidates.

            db: The AST database to concretize against
            location: The location to concretize at

            A generator of strings, each of which is a candidate patch

        yield from self.fix_pattern.concretize(db, location)

    def view(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> str:
        return self.fix_pattern.view(db, location)


def concretize(self, db: DB, location: Location) ‑> Iterator[str]

Concretize the inner FixPattern into a sequence of patch candidates.


The AST database to concretize against
The location to concretize at


A generator of strings, each of which is a candidate patch

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def concretize(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> Iterator[str]:
    Concretize the inner `FixPattern` into a sequence of patch candidates.

        db: The AST database to concretize against
        location: The location to concretize at

        A generator of strings, each of which is a candidate patch

    yield from self.fix_pattern.concretize(db, location)
def matches(self, line: int, col: int) ‑> bool

Returns whether the given line and column is suitable for patch situation.

Calls self.matcher_func internally, if supplied.


The line to patch on
The column to patch on


True if matcher_func was not supplied or returns True, False otherwise

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def matches(self, line: int, col: int) -> bool:
    Returns whether the given line and column is suitable for patch situation.

    Calls `self.matcher_func` internally, if supplied.

        line: The line to patch on
        column: The column to patch on

        `True` if `matcher_func` was not supplied or returns `True`, `False` otherwise
    if self.matcher_func is None:
        return True
    return self.matcher_func(line, col)
def view(self, db: DB, location: Location) ‑> str
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def view(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> str:
    return self.fix_pattern.view(db, location)
class ReturnStmt (expr: Expression)

Represents a return ...; statement.

Creates a new ReturnStmt.


The expression to concretize for the return
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class ReturnStmt(Statement):
    Represents a `return ...;` statement.

    def __init__(self, expr: Expression):
        Creates a new `ReturnStmt`.

            expr: The expression to concretize for the `return`
        self.expr = expr

    def concretize(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> Iterator[str]:
        Concretize this `ReturnStmt` into its possible statements.

            db: The AST database to concretize against
            location: The location to concretize at

            A generator of strings, each of which is an `return` statement
        expr_list = self.expr.concretize(db, location)
        for exp in expr_list:
            candidate_str = f"return {exp};"
            yield candidate_str

    def view(self, db: models.DB, location: Location):
        return f"return {self.expr.view(db, location)};"



def concretize(self, db: DB, location: Location) ‑> Iterator[str]

Concretize this ReturnStmt into its possible statements.


The AST database to concretize against
The location to concretize at


A generator of strings, each of which is an return statement

Expand source code
def concretize(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> Iterator[str]:
    Concretize this `ReturnStmt` into its possible statements.

        db: The AST database to concretize against
        location: The location to concretize at

        A generator of strings, each of which is an `return` statement
    expr_list = self.expr.concretize(db, location)
    for exp in expr_list:
        candidate_str = f"return {exp};"
        yield candidate_str
def view(self, db: DB, location: Location)
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def view(self, db: models.DB, location: Location):
    return f"return {self.expr.view(db, location)};"
class Statement

Represents an source "statement".

Statement is an abstract base whose interfaces should be consumed via specific derived classes.

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class Statement(ABC):
    Represents an source "statement".

    `Statement` is an abstract base whose interfaces should be consumed via specific
    derived classes.

    def concretize(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> Iterator[str]:

    def view(self, db: models.DB, location: Location):


  • abc.ABC



def concretize(self, db: DB, location: Location) ‑> Iterator[str]
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def concretize(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> Iterator[str]:
def view(self, db: DB, location: Location)
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def view(self, db: models.DB, location: Location):
class StatementList (*args)

Represents a sequence of statements.

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class StatementList:
    Represents a sequence of statements.

    def __init__(self, *args):
        self.statements: List[Statement] = args

    def concretize(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> Iterator[str]:
        Concretize this `StatementList` into its possible statement seqences.

        This involves concretizing each statement and taking their unique
        product, such that every possible permutation of statements in the list
        is produced.

            db: The AST database to concretize against
            locaton: The location to concretize at

            A generator of strings, each of which is a concreqte sequence of statements
        concretized = [stmt.concretize(db, location) for stmt in self.statements]
        for items in set(itertools.product(*concretized)):
            yield "\n".join(items)

    def view(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> str:
        final_str = ""
        for stmt in self.statements:
            final_str += stmt.view(db, location) + "\n"
        return final_str


def concretize(self, db: DB, location: Location) ‑> Iterator[str]

Concretize this StatementList into its possible statement seqences.

This involves concretizing each statement and taking their unique product, such that every possible permutation of statements in the list is produced.


The AST database to concretize against
The location to concretize at


A generator of strings, each of which is a concreqte sequence of statements

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def concretize(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> Iterator[str]:
    Concretize this `StatementList` into its possible statement seqences.

    This involves concretizing each statement and taking their unique
    product, such that every possible permutation of statements in the list
    is produced.

        db: The AST database to concretize against
        locaton: The location to concretize at

        A generator of strings, each of which is a concreqte sequence of statements
    concretized = [stmt.concretize(db, location) for stmt in self.statements]
    for items in set(itertools.product(*concretized)):
        yield "\n".join(items)
def view(self, db: DB, location: Location) ‑> str
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def view(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> str:
    final_str = ""
    for stmt in self.statements:
        final_str += stmt.view(db, location) + "\n"
    return final_str
class StaticBufferSize

Represents an abstract "sizeof(…)" expression.

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class StaticBufferSize(Expression):
    Represents an abstract "sizeof(...)" expression.

    # Query for all static array types and return list of sizeof()..
    def concretize(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> Iterator[str]:
        Concretize this `StaticBufferSize` into its potential sizes.

            db: The AST database to concretize against
            location: The location to concretize at

            A generator of strings, each of which is a concrete `sizeof(...)` expression

            PatchConcretizationError: If the scope of the location is not a function

        # TODO(ww): We should also concretize with available globals.
        function = db.function_at(location)

        if function is None:
            raise PatchConcretizationError(
                f"no function contains ({location.line}, {location.column})"

        for var_decl in function.var_decls:
            if not var_decl.is_array:
            yield f"sizeof({})"

    def view(self, _db, _location) -> str:
        return "StaticBufferSize()"



def concretize(self, db: DB, location: Location) ‑> Iterator[str]

Concretize this StaticBufferSize into its potential sizes.


The AST database to concretize against
The location to concretize at


A generator of strings, each of which is a concrete sizeof(…) expression


If the scope of the location is not a function
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def concretize(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> Iterator[str]:
    Concretize this `StaticBufferSize` into its potential sizes.

        db: The AST database to concretize against
        location: The location to concretize at

        A generator of strings, each of which is a concrete `sizeof(...)` expression

        PatchConcretizationError: If the scope of the location is not a function

    # TODO(ww): We should also concretize with available globals.
    function = db.function_at(location)

    if function is None:
        raise PatchConcretizationError(
            f"no function contains ({location.line}, {location.column})"

    for var_decl in function.var_decls:
        if not var_decl.is_array:
        yield f"sizeof({})"
def view(self, _db, _location) ‑> str
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def view(self, _db, _location) -> str:
    return "StaticBufferSize()"
class Variable

Represents an abstract source variable.

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class Variable(Expression):
    Represents an abstract source variable.

    # NOTE(ww): This is probably slightly unsound, in terms of concretizations
    # produced: the set of variables in a function is not the set of variables
    # guaranteed to be in scope at a line number.
    def concretize(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> Iterator[str]:
        Concretize this `Variable` into its potential names.

            db: The AST database to concretize against
            location: The location to concretize at

            A generator of strings, each of which is a concrete variable name

            PatchConcretizationError: If the scope of the variable can't be resolved

        # TODO(ww): We should also concretize with the available globals.
        function = db.function_at(location)
        if function is None:
            raise PatchConcretizationError(
                f"no function contains ({location.line}, {location.column})"

        for var_decl in function.var_decls:

    def view(self, _db, _location) -> str:
        return "Variable()"



def concretize(self, db: DB, location: Location) ‑> Iterator[str]

Concretize this Variable into its potential names.


The AST database to concretize against
The location to concretize at


A generator of strings, each of which is a concrete variable name


If the scope of the variable can't be resolved
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def concretize(self, db: models.DB, location: Location) -> Iterator[str]:
    Concretize this `Variable` into its potential names.

        db: The AST database to concretize against
        location: The location to concretize at

        A generator of strings, each of which is a concrete variable name

        PatchConcretizationError: If the scope of the variable can't be resolved

    # TODO(ww): We should also concretize with the available globals.
    function = db.function_at(location)
    if function is None:
        raise PatchConcretizationError(
            f"no function contains ({location.line}, {location.column})"

    for var_decl in function.var_decls:
def view(self, _db, _location) ‑> str
Expand source code
def view(self, _db, _location) -> str:
    return "Variable()"