Unit testing

Unit testing #

This is the most basic type of testing that every project should have. Unit tests are easy to execute, low-effort to implement, and catch a lot of simple mistakes.

Installation and first steps #

The standard and ultimate tool for executing unit and integration tests for Rust codebases is the cargo test. The basic setup and usage of cargo test is well-known, so we will skip the introduction.

You can also try the cargo-nextest - a new test runner.

mod tests {
    fn true_dilemma() {
        assert_ne!(true, false);

Please note that docs tests don’t work in binary targets.

Once you have your tests written and all of them passes, lets improve.

Improvements #

Randomization #

First lets make sure that tests do not depend on a global state and that there are no unwanted dependencies between them.

For that you can run tests multiple times, taking advantage of the enabled-by-default parallel execution. However, this approach is not optimal. That is because tests are executed in basically alphabetical order, even when multi-threaded.

Better to run tests in a random order without parallel execution.

cargo test -- -Z unstable-options --test-threads 1 --shuffle 

Execute command above multiple times. If any run reported a failed test use the displayed “shuffle seed” to reliably repeat the error:

cargo test -- -Z unstable-options --test-threads 1 --shuffle-seed 7331
Example to try

Tests below fail randomly when run with cargo test. To get reproducible failure run:

cargo test -- -Z unstable-options --test-threads 1 --shuffle-seed 1337
fn main() { println!("Hello, world!"); }

static mut glob_var: i32 = 2;

unsafe fn global_var_set(arg: i32) {
    glob_var = arg;

mod tests {
    use crate::{glob_var, global_var_set};

    fn a_true_dilemma() {
        unsafe { assert_eq!(glob_var, 2); }
        unsafe { global_var_set(5); }
        unsafe { assert_eq!(glob_var, 5); }
        assert_ne!(true, false);

    fn not_true_dilemma() {
        unsafe { assert_eq!(glob_var, 2); }
        assert_ne!(true, false);

When you are happy with the results, randomize features using cargo hack. Start with testing your code against all the features taken separately, then combine multiple features in one run:

cargo +stable install cargo-hack --locked
cargo hack test -Z avoid-dev-deps --each-feature
cargo hack test -Z avoid-dev-deps --feature-powerset --depth 2
Example to try

The test below passes when run with cargo test. Also passes with cargo hack test --each-feature. To find the code path that makes the test fail run:

cargo hack test --feature-powerset --depth 2
fn main() { println!("Hello, world!"); }

fn feauture_one() -> i32 {
    #[cfg(all(feature = "fone", feature = "fthree", not(feature = "ftwo")))]
        return 3;
    #[cfg(feature = "fone")] {
        return 1;
    #[cfg(feature = "ftwo")] {
        return 2;
    return 0;

mod tests {
    use crate::{feauture_one};

    fn feature_test1() {
        let z = feauture_one();
        assert!(z < 3);

Integer overflows #

While some integer overflows are detected with the overflow-checks flag, overflows in explicit casts are not. To make our tests detect overflows in expr as T expressions we must use cast_checks.

Add relevant dependency to Cargo.toml:

cast_checks = "0.1.4"

Now mark functions where you expect overflows with #[cast_checks::enable] and run tests as always.

Alternatively, enable inner atributes feature with #![feature(custom_inner_attributes, proc_macro_hygiene)] and put #![cast_checks::enable] attribute in relevant modules. When doing so add RUSTFLAGS='--cfg procmacro2_semver_exempt' to cargo commands.

Example to try

The int_overflow_simple test always passes, as arithmetic overflows are detected with standard overflow-checks. However, to detect overflow in the int_overflow_in_cast we must use cast_checks.

#![feature(custom_inner_attributes, proc_macro_hygiene)]

fn main() { println!("Hello, world!"); }

mod lib {

    pub(crate) fn do_overflow(a: i32) -> i32 {
        return a * 8;

    pub(crate) fn as_u16(z: i32) -> u16 {
        z as u16

mod tests {
    use crate::{lib::as_u16, lib::do_overflow};

    fn int_overflow_simple() {
        let y_str = "2147483647";
        let y = y_str.parse::<i32>().unwrap();
        let x = do_overflow(y);

    fn int_overflow_in_cast() {
        let y_str = "2147483647";
        let y = y_str.parse::<i32>().unwrap();
        println!("{}", y);
        let a = as_u16(y);

Sanitizers #

While Rust is memory-safe, one may open a gate to the unsafe world and introduce all the well known vulnerabilities like use-after-free or reading of uninitialized memory. Moreover, Rust compiler does not prevent memory leaks and data races.

To find deep bugs we can enhance our tests with various sanitizers:

  • AddressSanitizer
  • LeakSanitizer
  • MemorySanitizer
  • ThreadSanitizer

To enable them:

RUSTFLAGS='-Z sanitizer=address' cargo test
RUSTFLAGS='-Z sanitizer=leak' cargo test --target x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
RUSTFLAGS='-Z sanitizer=memory' cargo test --target aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu
RUSTFLAGS='-Z sanitizer=thread' cargo test

Not all targets are created equal, so check which are supported by the given sanitizer.

Example to try

The test below passes. But the AddressSanitizer can help us find the bug.

RUSTFLAGS='-Z sanitizer=address' cargo test
fn main() { println!("Hello, world!"); }

mod tests {
    fn uaf() {
        let a = vec![7, 3, 3, 1];
        let b = a.as_ptr();
        let z = unsafe { *b };

Miri #

Miri is an interpreter for Rust “mid-level intermediate representation “. You can run your tests through Miri with:

rustup +nightly component add miri
cargo miri test

Miri helps to detect:

  • undefined behavior
  • memory corruption bugs
  • memory leaks
  • uses of uninitialized data
  • memory alignment issues
  • issues with aliasing for reference types
  • data races

Property testing with Proptest #

Normal unit tests are great for testing a single scenario - you test code by providing a single, specific value and checking if the code behaves as expected.

But instead of using a single value, you can generate a set of inputs and execute the unit test multiple times to check if it works correctly for every input.

Lets use Proptest tool for that task. It is a tool inspired by the famous QuickCheck.

Installation #

Simply add the dev dependency to your project. Nothing more needed.

proptest = "1.0.0"

Usage #

To use Proptest you must write unit tests. But instead of hard-coding values that are used for testing, you define generators for values (called “strategies” in proptest’s docs). Proptest will execute the unit test dozen of times with randomly generated values.

Proptest ships with a dozen of configurable strategies:

  • range-like generator for integers
  • regex generator for strings
  • simple generators for bits, bools, chars
  • random-size generators for std:collections
  • generators for Option and Result

The generators can be combined together. You can also use macros to do further combine and restric generation:

  • do mapping with prop_map
  • do filtering with prop_filter
  • create enums with prop_oneof
  • do recursion with prop_recursive

Lets see an example code:

fn simple_thingy_dingy(a: u64, b: &str) -> u64 {
    return a + match b.parse::<u64>() {
        Ok(x) => x,
        Err(_) => b.len() as u64,

mod tests {
    use crate::simple_thingy_dingy;
    use proptest::prelude::*;

    proptest! {
        fn test_simple_thingy_dingy(a in 1337..7331u64, b in "[0-9]{1,3}") {
            println!("{a} | {b}");
            let sum = simple_thingy_dingy(a, &b);
            assert!(sum >= a);
            assert!(sum > 1337);

The simple_thingy_dingy is function we want to unit-test. For that we need to wrap a normal #[test] with proptest! helper. Then we use two generators for a and b values: range-like for integers and regex for strings.

Now we just need to run cargo test and wait for the Proptest to finish. Running cargo test -- --show-output will enable us to observe what values were generated.

By default Proptest executes an unit test 256 times, but we can change that with ProptestConfig::with_cases.

If the Proptest finds an input failing the unit test, it writes the input to the proptest-regressions directory.

As can be seen, we have to write a strategy for every single value we use. However, we could instead create a strategy for a type using the Arbitrary trait.

You can combine Proptest with other improvements

Using Proptest with improvements listed above can enhance your testing even further.

To use with Proptest with Miri you have to disable persistence (the proptest-regressions directory):

cargo miri test

Coverage #

It is critically important to know how much coverage your tests have. Coverage gathering consists of three steps:

  • compile-time instrumentation
  • execution of tests, producing “raw” data
  • convertion of “raw” data to an usable format

There are three common instrumentation backends (engines):

  • GCC’s gcov
    • produces gcno (during compilation) and gcda (during execution) raw data
  • LLVM’s SanitizerCoverage
    • produces profraw raw data
    • can produce gcno&gcda raw data - not supported in the tooling below
  • ptrace-based
    • produces profraw raw data

There are three popular tools wrapping the above engines for easier consumption in Rust projects. Instead of them you can directly use the tools described in the fuzzing chapter (TODO: link).

Feature \ Toolcargo-llvm-covcargo-tarpaulingrcov
BackendsLLVMLLVM, ptraceLLVM, gcov
CoverageLines, functions, regionsLinesLines, functions, branches
Output formatText, lcov, JSON, HTML, cobertura, codecovText, lcov, JSON, HTML, xmlLcov, JSON, HTML, cobertura, coveralls+, markdown, ade
Exclude files--ignore-filename-regex--exclude-files--ignore
Exclude functionsWith attributesWith attributesWith in-code markers & regexes
Exclude tests’ coverageWith external module--ignore-testsNo
Coverage for C/C++--include-ffi--follow-exec?
Merge data from multiple runsYesYes/No (only shows delta)No

While checking coverage statistics from a command line and using one of many coverage-visualizers, HTML report is often what you need.

HTML output \ Toolcargo-llvm-covcargo-tarpaulingrcov
ExamplesOpen llvm-cov, open llvm-cov-prettyOpen tarpaulinOpen grcov, open grcov with lcov
Handles Rust’s constructionsYesYesYes
Expands Rust’s generics--show-instantiationsNoNo
Number of hitsYesNoYes
Multi-file outputYesNoYes

For post-processing (generating HTML reports, like merging files from multiple runs, and excluding selected files, ..) of lcov outputs you can use:

Our recommendations are:

  • Use cargo-llvm-cov (with llvm-cov-pretty) for rapid testing: easiest to run, can resolve generics
  • Use either cargo-llvm-cov or grcov for complex projects: both are decent, unique, and produce multi-file HTML output
  • Use cargo-tarpaulin when other tools works incorrectly. Authors claim that these can happen when:
    • the code panic unexpecteadly
    • there are race conditions
    • the code forks
Example to try

Go to the Testing Handbook’s repository samples/rust_coverage folder.

There you will find Dockerfile generating HTML reports using the described tools.

Validation of tests #

Who tests tests? What if your critical test has a bug that makes it to pass incorrectly?

To find issues in your tests use necessist.

cargo install necessist

Necessist works by mutating tests - removing certain instructions from them - and executing them. A mutated test that passed with an instruction removed is shown as:

filename:line-line `removed code` passed

It requires manual investigation if a finding really revealed a bug in a testcase (or in the code being tested).

The tool produces a necessist.db file that can be used to resume an interrupted run.

Example to try

Necessist should report that the parser_detects_errors test passes even if one line is removed from it. It indicates that either magic number in the example or in the validate_data is incorrect, preventing the “real” bug from being tested properly.

fn validate_data(data: &Data) -> Result<(), ()> {
    if !data.magic.eq(&[0x13, 0x37]) { return Err(()) }
    if data.len as usize != data.content.len() { return Err(()) }
    return Ok(());

struct Data {
    magic: [u8; 2],
    len: u8,
    content: String

mod tests {
    use crate::{Data, validate_data};

    fn parser_detects_errors() {
        let mut blob = Data{
            magic: [0x73, 0x31],
            len: 2,
            content: "AB".parse().unwrap(),
        blob.content = blob.content + "Y";
        let result = validate_data(&blob);

Necessist is slow and sometimes produces false positives. We recommend running it manually from time to time, instead of in a CI pipeline. The database should be kept between runs to accellerate new tests. Please report any false-positives on GitHub.

Resources #

This content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.