Model checking

Model checking #

Model checking is about verification that a program works correctly for all possible inputs.

Instead of testing with a single value (like with unit testing) or with a set of values (like with property testing) we check all possible values - and hope that smart algorithms will make it possible to finish testing in a reasonable time.

Prusti #

Prusti is based on Viper - a framework for building verification tools. It uses symbolic execution and Z3 Theorem Prover.

Installation #

Authors recommend using Visual Studio Code extension. Command-line tools can be downloaded from GitHub’s Releases

Usage #

You can simply run Prusti on your code and it will look for:

  • absence of reachable panics
  • absence of reachable, failing assertions
  • absence of integer overflows

Prusti detects all functions in a project (even unreachable ones) and checks them “independently”. It simply assumes that functions arguments can take any value - are bounded only by their types.

Please note that Prusti does not check testing code.

To restrict values, and to define more code’s properties for verification, we have to create specifications for functions.

Function specifications #

The main power of Prusti lays in its ability to specify and validate functions’ contracts (or specifications). A function’s specification consists of pre- and post-conditions.

  • Pre-conditions
    • are checked before calls
    • Prust verifies that all calls to the function are done with arguments meeting the pre-conditions
    • Pre-condition limits set of possible values for post-condition checks
  • Post-conditions
    • are checked after function returns
    • Prust verifies that post-conditions are meet at all exit-points of the function

In the example below, conditions are implemented with Rust attributes: requires (pre-) and ensures (post-).

Prusti will check if all calls to prusti_check pass the argument that is less or equal to 20.

Then it will check if possible return values from the prusti_check function are below 10 - assuming the input is less or equal to 20.

use prusti_contracts::*;
fn main() { 

#[requires(x <= 20)]
#[ensures(x < 10)]
fn prusti_check(x: u32) -> u32 {
    if x >= 10 {
        return x / 100;
    return x;

If values violating conditions are found, Prusti retruns an error and can produce an example set of values that demonstrate the problem.

Prusti does not support loops automatically

You have to specify body_invariants to enable code verification.

Kani #

Kani is a frontend for CBMC (Bounded Model Checker for C and C++).

Installation #

You can simply use cargo for installation.

cargo install --locked kani-verifier
cargo kani setup

Basic usage #

Kani reasembles normal unit tests writing. You have to write a test and run

cargo kani

However, instead of using concrete values, use kani::any() to create a “symbolic” (or unbounded or nondeterministic) variable. Such variable can take any value (of its type).

Runnig the test, Kani will verify absence of the following conditions for all poosible values of the symbolic variables:

  • failing assertions
  • panics
  • memory safety issues
  • integer overflows

If the code to test is too complex, Kani may take long time to finish or even not terminate at all. To overcome this, we can use three features:

Lets see an example:

pub struct Book {
    title: String,
    pages: u16

fn read_book(r: Book) -> u16 {
    return if r.title == "The Black Book" {
    } else {
        let mut letters = 0;
        for page in 0..r.pages {
            if page == 13 {
                panic!("Bad luck");
            letters += page;

mod verification {
    use crate::{Book, read_book};

    impl kani::Arbitrary for Book {
        fn any() -> Self {
            let titles = vec!["The Black Book", "Lord of the ToB",
                              "The White Book"];
            let title_id: usize = kani::any();
            kani::assume(title_id < titles.len());
            Book { title: titles[title_id].to_string(), pages: kani::any() }

    fn verify_book() {
        let book: Book = kani::any();
        kani::assume(book.pages < 4096);
        let y = read_book(book);
        assert!(y < 100);

Here we have a simple structure and a function that panics for some inputs.

We define a new verification module under cfg(kani) attribute - this lets us disable Kani-specific code when not needed. Then we implement kani::Arbitrary trait to tell Kani how to generate symbolic Books: by limiting set of titles to three possible values and using unbounded number the pages field.

Then we use the #[kani::proof] attribute and write a test similar to normal unit tests. With three main differences:

  • generating symbolic book variable (using our kani::Arbitrary implementation)
  • restricting book.pages to be less than 4096
  • limiting amount of loops to 20 with #[kani::unwind(20)]

Kani documenatation recommends to set the kani::unwind experimentaly:

  • start with a number a bit larger than the maximum of the expected numbers of all loops’ repetitions
  • if Kali takes too much time to finish - lower the unwind number
  • if Kali errors out with FAILURE: unwinding assertion loop X - increase the unwind number

If Kali found a FAILURE, then we can generate example values that will trigger the failure with one of two mthods:

  • generating a normal unit test with cargo kani --concrete-playback print -Z concrete-playback
  • generating a HTML report with cargo kani --visualize --enable-unstable

Kali does not scale well for:

  • strings with unbounded content (i.e., long strings with arbitrary data)
  • structures of symbolic sizes that involves heap allocations

Other model checkers #

Creusot #

  • based on Why3
  • allows to provide and verify functions specifications

Crux #

  • symbolic analysis
  • enables writing “symbolized” unit tests

Flux #

  • refinement type checker
  • allows you to annotate functions with complex conditions


  • implements abstract interpretation, taint analysis, and constant time analysis

Stateright #

  • TLA+ for rust
  • lets you model state machine of a system and test properties on it
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