
The pypi-attestations APIs.

 1"""The `pypi-attestations` APIs."""
 3__version__ = "0.0.22"
 5from ._impl import (
 6    Attestation,
 7    AttestationBundle,
 8    AttestationError,
 9    AttestationType,
10    ConversionError,
11    Distribution,
12    Envelope,
13    GitHubPublisher,
14    GitLabPublisher,
15    Provenance,
16    Publisher,
17    TransparencyLogEntry,
18    VerificationError,
19    VerificationMaterial,
22__all__ = [
23    "Attestation",
24    "AttestationBundle",
25    "AttestationError",
26    "AttestationType",
27    "ConversionError",
28    "Distribution",
29    "Envelope",
30    "GitHubPublisher",
31    "GitLabPublisher",
32    "Provenance",
33    "Publisher",
34    "TransparencyLogEntry",
35    "VerificationError",
36    "VerificationMaterial",
class Attestation(pydantic.main.BaseModel):
150class Attestation(BaseModel):
151    """Attestation object as defined in PEP 740."""
153    version: Literal[1]
154    """
155    The attestation format's version, which is always 1.
156    """
158    verification_material: VerificationMaterial
159    """
160    Cryptographic materials used to verify `message_signature`.
161    """
163    envelope: Envelope
164    """
165    The enveloped attestation statement and signature.
166    """
168    @property
169    def statement(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
170        """Return the statement within this attestation's envelope.
172        The value returned here is a dictionary, in the shape of an
173        in-toto statement.
174        """
175        return json.loads(self.envelope.statement)  # type: ignore[no-any-return]
177    @classmethod
178    def sign(cls, signer: Signer, dist: Distribution) -> Attestation:
179        """Create an envelope, with signature, from the given Python distribution.
181        On failure, raises `AttestationError`.
182        """
183        try:
184            stmt = (
185                StatementBuilder()
186                .subjects(
187                    [
188                        Subject(
189                  ,
190                            digest=DigestSet(root={"sha256": dist.digest}),
191                        )
192                    ]
193                )
194                .predicate_type(AttestationType.PYPI_PUBLISH_V1)
195                .build()
196            )
197        except DsseError as e:
198            raise AttestationError(str(e))
200        try:
201            bundle = signer.sign_dsse(stmt)
202        except (ExpiredCertificate, ExpiredIdentity) as e:
203            raise AttestationError(str(e))
205        try:
206            return Attestation.from_bundle(bundle)
207        except ConversionError as e:
208            raise AttestationError(str(e))
210    @property
211    def certificate_claims(self) -> dict[str, str]:
212        """Return the claims present in the certificate.
214        We only return claims present in `_FULCIO_CLAIMS_OIDS`.
215        Values are decoded and returned as strings.
216        """
217        certificate = x509.load_der_x509_certificate(self.verification_material.certificate)
218        claims = {}
219        for extension in certificate.extensions:
220            if extension.oid in _FULCIO_CLAIMS_OIDS:
221                # through are formatted as DER-encoded
222                # strings; the ASN.1 tag is UTF8String (0x0C) and the tag class is universal.
223                value = extension.value.value
224                claims[extension.oid.dotted_string] = _der_decode_utf8string(value)
226        return claims
228    def verify(
229        self,
230        identity: VerificationPolicy | Publisher,
231        dist: Distribution,
232        *,
233        staging: bool = False,
234        offline: bool = False,
235    ) -> tuple[str, Optional[dict[str, Any]]]:
236        """Verify against an existing Python distribution.
238        The `identity` can be an object confirming to
239        `sigstore.policy.VerificationPolicy` or a `Publisher`, which will be
240        transformed into an appropriate verification policy.
242        By default, Sigstore's production verifier will be used. The
243        `staging` parameter can be toggled to enable the staging verifier
244        instead.
246        If `offline` is `True`, the verifier will not attempt to refresh the
247        TUF repository.
249        On failure, raises an appropriate subclass of `AttestationError`.
250        """
251        # NOTE: Can't do `isinstance` with `Publisher` since it's
252        # a `_GenericAlias`; instead we punch through to the inner
253        # `_Publisher` union.
254        # Use of typing.get_args is needed for Python < 3.10
255        if isinstance(identity, get_args(_Publisher)):
256            policy = identity._as_policy()  # noqa: SLF001
257        else:
258            policy = identity
260        if staging:
261            verifier = Verifier.staging(offline=offline)
262        else:
263            verifier = Verifier.production(offline=offline)
265        bundle = self.to_bundle()
266        try:
267            type_, payload = verifier.verify_dsse(bundle, policy)
268        except sigstore.errors.VerificationError as err:
269            raise VerificationError(str(err)) from err
271        if type_ != DsseEnvelope._TYPE:  # noqa: SLF001
272            raise VerificationError(f"expected JSON envelope, got {type_}")
274        try:
275            statement = _Statement.model_validate_json(payload)
276        except ValidationError as e:
277            raise VerificationError(f"invalid statement: {str(e)}")
279        if len(statement.subjects) != 1:
280            raise VerificationError("too many subjects in statement (must be exactly one)")
281        subject = statement.subjects[0]
283        if not
284            raise VerificationError("invalid subject: missing name")
286        try:
287            # We always ultranormalize when signing, but other signers may not.
288            subject_name = _ultranormalize_dist_filename(
289        except ValueError as e:
290            raise VerificationError(f"invalid subject: {str(e)}")
292        if subject_name !=
293            raise VerificationError(
294                f"subject does not match distribution name: {subject_name} != {}"
295            )
297        digest = subject.digest.root.get("sha256")
298        if digest is None or digest != dist.digest:
299            raise VerificationError("subject does not match distribution digest")
301        try:
302            AttestationType(statement.predicate_type)
303        except ValueError:
304            raise VerificationError(f"unknown attestation type: {statement.predicate_type}")
306        return statement.predicate_type, statement.predicate
308    def to_bundle(self) -> Bundle:
309        """Convert a PyPI attestation object as defined in PEP 740 into a Sigstore Bundle."""
310        cert_bytes = self.verification_material.certificate
311        statement = self.envelope.statement
312        signature = self.envelope.signature
314        evp = DsseEnvelope(
315            _Envelope(
316                payload=statement,
317                payload_type=DsseEnvelope._TYPE,  # noqa: SLF001
318                signatures=[_Signature(sig=signature)],
319            )
320        )
322        tlog_entry = self.verification_material.transparency_entries[0]
323        try:
324            certificate = x509.load_der_x509_certificate(cert_bytes)
325        except ValueError as err:
326            raise ConversionError("invalid X.509 certificate") from err
328        try:
329            log_entry = LogEntry._from_dict_rekor(tlog_entry)  # noqa: SLF001
330        except (ValidationError, sigstore.errors.Error) as err:
331            raise ConversionError("invalid transparency log entry") from err
333        return Bundle._from_parts(  # noqa: SLF001
334            cert=certificate,
335            content=evp,
336            log_entry=log_entry,
337        )
339    @classmethod
340    def from_bundle(cls, sigstore_bundle: Bundle) -> Attestation:
341        """Convert a Sigstore Bundle into a PyPI attestation as defined in PEP 740."""
342        certificate = sigstore_bundle.signing_certificate.public_bytes(
343            encoding=serialization.Encoding.DER
344        )
346        envelope = sigstore_bundle._inner.dsse_envelope  # noqa: SLF001
348        if len(envelope.signatures) != 1:
349            raise ConversionError(f"expected exactly one signature, got {len(envelope.signatures)}")
351        return cls(
352            version=1,
353            verification_material=VerificationMaterial(
354                certificate=base64.b64encode(certificate),
355                transparency_entries=[
356                    sigstore_bundle.log_entry._to_rekor().to_dict()  # noqa: SLF001
357                ],
358            ),
359            envelope=Envelope(
360                statement=base64.b64encode(envelope.payload),
361                signature=base64.b64encode(envelope.signatures[0].sig),
362            ),
363        )

Attestation object as defined in PEP 740.

version: Literal[1]

The attestation format's version, which is always 1.

verification_material: VerificationMaterial

Cryptographic materials used to verify message_signature.

envelope: Envelope

The enveloped attestation statement and signature.

statement: dict[str, typing.Any]
168    @property
169    def statement(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
170        """Return the statement within this attestation's envelope.
172        The value returned here is a dictionary, in the shape of an
173        in-toto statement.
174        """
175        return json.loads(self.envelope.statement)  # type: ignore[no-any-return]

Return the statement within this attestation's envelope.

The value returned here is a dictionary, in the shape of an in-toto statement.

def sign( cls, signer: sigstore.sign.Signer, dist: Distribution) -> Attestation:
177    @classmethod
178    def sign(cls, signer: Signer, dist: Distribution) -> Attestation:
179        """Create an envelope, with signature, from the given Python distribution.
181        On failure, raises `AttestationError`.
182        """
183        try:
184            stmt = (
185                StatementBuilder()
186                .subjects(
187                    [
188                        Subject(
189                  ,
190                            digest=DigestSet(root={"sha256": dist.digest}),
191                        )
192                    ]
193                )
194                .predicate_type(AttestationType.PYPI_PUBLISH_V1)
195                .build()
196            )
197        except DsseError as e:
198            raise AttestationError(str(e))
200        try:
201            bundle = signer.sign_dsse(stmt)
202        except (ExpiredCertificate, ExpiredIdentity) as e:
203            raise AttestationError(str(e))
205        try:
206            return Attestation.from_bundle(bundle)
207        except ConversionError as e:
208            raise AttestationError(str(e))

Create an envelope, with signature, from the given Python distribution.

On failure, raises AttestationError.

certificate_claims: dict[str, str]
210    @property
211    def certificate_claims(self) -> dict[str, str]:
212        """Return the claims present in the certificate.
214        We only return claims present in `_FULCIO_CLAIMS_OIDS`.
215        Values are decoded and returned as strings.
216        """
217        certificate = x509.load_der_x509_certificate(self.verification_material.certificate)
218        claims = {}
219        for extension in certificate.extensions:
220            if extension.oid in _FULCIO_CLAIMS_OIDS:
221                # through are formatted as DER-encoded
222                # strings; the ASN.1 tag is UTF8String (0x0C) and the tag class is universal.
223                value = extension.value.value
224                claims[extension.oid.dotted_string] = _der_decode_utf8string(value)
226        return claims

Return the claims present in the certificate.

We only return claims present in _FULCIO_CLAIMS_OIDS. Values are decoded and returned as strings.

def verify( self, identity: Union[sigstore.verify.policy.VerificationPolicy, Annotated[Union[GitHubPublisher, GitLabPublisher], FieldInfo(annotation=NoneType, required=True, discriminator='kind')]], dist: Distribution, *, staging: bool = False, offline: bool = False) -> tuple[str, typing.Optional[dict[str, typing.Any]]]:
228    def verify(
229        self,
230        identity: VerificationPolicy | Publisher,
231        dist: Distribution,
232        *,
233        staging: bool = False,
234        offline: bool = False,
235    ) -> tuple[str, Optional[dict[str, Any]]]:
236        """Verify against an existing Python distribution.
238        The `identity` can be an object confirming to
239        `sigstore.policy.VerificationPolicy` or a `Publisher`, which will be
240        transformed into an appropriate verification policy.
242        By default, Sigstore's production verifier will be used. The
243        `staging` parameter can be toggled to enable the staging verifier
244        instead.
246        If `offline` is `True`, the verifier will not attempt to refresh the
247        TUF repository.
249        On failure, raises an appropriate subclass of `AttestationError`.
250        """
251        # NOTE: Can't do `isinstance` with `Publisher` since it's
252        # a `_GenericAlias`; instead we punch through to the inner
253        # `_Publisher` union.
254        # Use of typing.get_args is needed for Python < 3.10
255        if isinstance(identity, get_args(_Publisher)):
256            policy = identity._as_policy()  # noqa: SLF001
257        else:
258            policy = identity
260        if staging:
261            verifier = Verifier.staging(offline=offline)
262        else:
263            verifier = Verifier.production(offline=offline)
265        bundle = self.to_bundle()
266        try:
267            type_, payload = verifier.verify_dsse(bundle, policy)
268        except sigstore.errors.VerificationError as err:
269            raise VerificationError(str(err)) from err
271        if type_ != DsseEnvelope._TYPE:  # noqa: SLF001
272            raise VerificationError(f"expected JSON envelope, got {type_}")
274        try:
275            statement = _Statement.model_validate_json(payload)
276        except ValidationError as e:
277            raise VerificationError(f"invalid statement: {str(e)}")
279        if len(statement.subjects) != 1:
280            raise VerificationError("too many subjects in statement (must be exactly one)")
281        subject = statement.subjects[0]
283        if not
284            raise VerificationError("invalid subject: missing name")
286        try:
287            # We always ultranormalize when signing, but other signers may not.
288            subject_name = _ultranormalize_dist_filename(
289        except ValueError as e:
290            raise VerificationError(f"invalid subject: {str(e)}")
292        if subject_name !=
293            raise VerificationError(
294                f"subject does not match distribution name: {subject_name} != {}"
295            )
297        digest = subject.digest.root.get("sha256")
298        if digest is None or digest != dist.digest:
299            raise VerificationError("subject does not match distribution digest")
301        try:
302            AttestationType(statement.predicate_type)
303        except ValueError:
304            raise VerificationError(f"unknown attestation type: {statement.predicate_type}")
306        return statement.predicate_type, statement.predicate

Verify against an existing Python distribution.

The identity can be an object confirming to sigstore.policy.VerificationPolicy or a Publisher, which will be transformed into an appropriate verification policy.

By default, Sigstore's production verifier will be used. The staging parameter can be toggled to enable the staging verifier instead.

If offline is True, the verifier will not attempt to refresh the TUF repository.

On failure, raises an appropriate subclass of AttestationError.

def to_bundle(self) -> sigstore.models.Bundle:
308    def to_bundle(self) -> Bundle:
309        """Convert a PyPI attestation object as defined in PEP 740 into a Sigstore Bundle."""
310        cert_bytes = self.verification_material.certificate
311        statement = self.envelope.statement
312        signature = self.envelope.signature
314        evp = DsseEnvelope(
315            _Envelope(
316                payload=statement,
317                payload_type=DsseEnvelope._TYPE,  # noqa: SLF001
318                signatures=[_Signature(sig=signature)],
319            )
320        )
322        tlog_entry = self.verification_material.transparency_entries[0]
323        try:
324            certificate = x509.load_der_x509_certificate(cert_bytes)
325        except ValueError as err:
326            raise ConversionError("invalid X.509 certificate") from err
328        try:
329            log_entry = LogEntry._from_dict_rekor(tlog_entry)  # noqa: SLF001
330        except (ValidationError, sigstore.errors.Error) as err:
331            raise ConversionError("invalid transparency log entry") from err
333        return Bundle._from_parts(  # noqa: SLF001
334            cert=certificate,
335            content=evp,
336            log_entry=log_entry,
337        )

Convert a PyPI attestation object as defined in PEP 740 into a Sigstore Bundle.

def from_bundle( cls, sigstore_bundle: sigstore.models.Bundle) -> Attestation:
339    @classmethod
340    def from_bundle(cls, sigstore_bundle: Bundle) -> Attestation:
341        """Convert a Sigstore Bundle into a PyPI attestation as defined in PEP 740."""
342        certificate = sigstore_bundle.signing_certificate.public_bytes(
343            encoding=serialization.Encoding.DER
344        )
346        envelope = sigstore_bundle._inner.dsse_envelope  # noqa: SLF001
348        if len(envelope.signatures) != 1:
349            raise ConversionError(f"expected exactly one signature, got {len(envelope.signatures)}")
351        return cls(
352            version=1,
353            verification_material=VerificationMaterial(
354                certificate=base64.b64encode(certificate),
355                transparency_entries=[
356                    sigstore_bundle.log_entry._to_rekor().to_dict()  # noqa: SLF001
357                ],
358            ),
359            envelope=Envelope(
360                statement=base64.b64encode(envelope.payload),
361                signature=base64.b64encode(envelope.signatures[0].sig),
362            ),
363        )

Convert a Sigstore Bundle into a PyPI attestation as defined in PEP 740.

model_config: ClassVar[pydantic.config.ConfigDict] = {}

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

class AttestationBundle(pydantic.main.BaseModel):
643class AttestationBundle(BaseModel):
644    """AttestationBundle object as defined in PEP 740."""
646    publisher: Publisher
647    """
648    The publisher associated with this set of attestations.
649    """
651    attestations: list[Attestation]
652    """
653    The list of attestations included in this bundle.
654    """

AttestationBundle object as defined in PEP 740.

publisher: Annotated[Union[GitHubPublisher, GitLabPublisher], FieldInfo(annotation=NoneType, required=True, discriminator='kind')]

The publisher associated with this set of attestations.

attestations: list[Attestation]

The list of attestations included in this bundle.

model_config: ClassVar[pydantic.config.ConfigDict] = {}

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

class AttestationError(builtins.ValueError):
116class AttestationError(ValueError):
117    """Base error for all APIs."""

Base error for all APIs.

class AttestationType(builtins.str, enum.Enum):
109class AttestationType(str, Enum):
110    """Attestation types known to PyPI."""
112    SLSA_PROVENANCE_V1 = ""
113    PYPI_PUBLISH_V1 = ""

Attestation types known to PyPI.

PYPI_PUBLISH_V1 = <AttestationType.PYPI_PUBLISH_V1: ''>
class ConversionError(pypi_attestations.AttestationError):
120class ConversionError(AttestationError):
121    """The base error for all errors during conversion."""

The base error for all errors during conversion.

class Distribution(pydantic.main.BaseModel):
 81class Distribution(BaseModel):
 82    """Represents a Python package distribution.
 84    A distribution is identified by its (sdist or wheel) filename, which
 85    provides the package name and version (at a minimum) plus a SHA-256
 86    digest, which uniquely identifies its contents.
 87    """
 89    name: str
 90    digest: str
 92    @field_validator("name")
 93    @classmethod
 94    def _validate_name(cls, v: str) -> str:
 95        return _ultranormalize_dist_filename(v)
 97    @classmethod
 98    def from_file(cls, dist: Path) -> Distribution:
 99        """Construct a `Distribution` from the given path."""
100        name =
101        with"rb", buffering=0) as io:
102            # Replace this with `hashlib.file_digest()` once
103            # our minimum supported Python is >=3.11
104            digest = _sha256_streaming(io).hex()
106        return cls(name=name, digest=digest)

Represents a Python package distribution.

A distribution is identified by its (sdist or wheel) filename, which provides the package name and version (at a minimum) plus a SHA-256 digest, which uniquely identifies its contents.

name: str
digest: str
def from_file(cls, dist: pathlib._local.Path) -> Distribution:
 97    @classmethod
 98    def from_file(cls, dist: Path) -> Distribution:
 99        """Construct a `Distribution` from the given path."""
100        name =
101        with"rb", buffering=0) as io:
102            # Replace this with `hashlib.file_digest()` once
103            # our minimum supported Python is >=3.11
104            digest = _sha256_streaming(io).hex()
106        return cls(name=name, digest=digest)

Construct a Distribution from the given path.

model_config: ClassVar[pydantic.config.ConfigDict] = {}

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

class Envelope(pydantic.main.BaseModel):
366class Envelope(BaseModel):
367    """The attestation envelope, containing the attested-for payload and its signature."""
369    statement: Base64Bytes
370    """
371    The attestation statement.
373    This is represented as opaque bytes on the wire (encoded as base64),
374    but it MUST be an JSON in-toto v1 Statement.
375    """
377    signature: Base64Bytes
378    """
379    A signature for the above statement, encoded as base64.
380    """

The attestation envelope, containing the attested-for payload and its signature.

statement: Annotated[bytes, EncodedBytes(encoder=<class 'pydantic.types.Base64Encoder'>)]

The attestation statement.

This is represented as opaque bytes on the wire (encoded as base64), but it MUST be an JSON in-toto v1 Statement.

signature: Annotated[bytes, EncodedBytes(encoder=<class 'pydantic.types.Base64Encoder'>)]

A signature for the above statement, encoded as base64.

model_config: ClassVar[pydantic.config.ConfigDict] = {}

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

class GitHubPublisher(pypi_attestations._impl._PublisherBase):
520class GitHubPublisher(_PublisherBase):
521    """A GitHub-based Trusted Publisher."""
523    kind: Literal["GitHub"] = "GitHub"
525    repository: str
526    """
527    The fully qualified publishing repository slug, e.g. `foo/bar` for
528    repository `bar` owned by `foo`.
529    """
531    workflow: str
532    """
533    The filename of the GitHub Actions workflow that performed the publishing
534    action.
535    """
537    environment: Optional[str] = None
538    """
539    The optional name GitHub Actions environment that the publishing
540    action was performed from.
541    """
543    def _as_policy(self) -> VerificationPolicy:
544        return _GitHubTrustedPublisherPolicy(self.repository, self.workflow)

A GitHub-based Trusted Publisher.

kind: Literal['GitHub']
repository: str

The fully qualified publishing repository slug, e.g. foo/bar for repository bar owned by foo.

workflow: str

The filename of the GitHub Actions workflow that performed the publishing action.

environment: Optional[str]

The optional name GitHub Actions environment that the publishing action was performed from.

model_config = {'alias_generator': <function to_snake>}

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

class GitLabPublisher(pypi_attestations._impl._PublisherBase):
612class GitLabPublisher(_PublisherBase):
613    """A GitLab-based Trusted Publisher."""
615    kind: Literal["GitLab"] = "GitLab"
617    repository: str
618    """
619    The fully qualified publishing repository slug, e.g. `foo/bar` for
620    repository `bar` owned by `foo` or `foo/baz/bar` for repository
621    `bar` owned by group `foo` and subgroup `baz`.
622    """
624    workflow_filepath: str
625    """
626    The path for the CI/CD configuration file. This is usually ".gitlab-ci.yml",
627    but can be customized.
628    """
630    environment: Optional[str] = None
631    """
632    The optional environment that the publishing action was performed from.
633    """
635    def _as_policy(self) -> VerificationPolicy:
636        return _GitLabTrustedPublisherPolicy(self.repository, self.workflow_filepath)

A GitLab-based Trusted Publisher.

kind: Literal['GitLab']
repository: str

The fully qualified publishing repository slug, e.g. foo/bar for repository bar owned by foo or foo/baz/bar for repository bar owned by group foo and subgroup baz.

workflow_filepath: str

The path for the CI/CD configuration file. This is usually ".gitlab-ci.yml", but can be customized.

environment: Optional[str]

The optional environment that the publishing action was performed from.

model_config = {'alias_generator': <function to_snake>}

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

class Provenance(pydantic.main.BaseModel):
657class Provenance(BaseModel):
658    """Provenance object as defined in PEP 740."""
660    version: Literal[1] = 1
661    """
662    The provenance object's version, which is always 1.
663    """
665    attestation_bundles: list[AttestationBundle]
666    """
667    One or more attestation "bundles".
668    """

Provenance object as defined in PEP 740.

version: Literal[1]

The provenance object's version, which is always 1.

attestation_bundles: list[AttestationBundle]

One or more attestation "bundles".

model_config: ClassVar[pydantic.config.ConfigDict] = {}

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

Publisher = typing.Annotated[typing.Union[GitHubPublisher, GitLabPublisher], FieldInfo(annotation=NoneType, required=True, discriminator='kind')]
TransparencyLogEntry = TransparencyLogEntry
class VerificationError(pypi_attestations.AttestationError):
124class VerificationError(AttestationError):
125    """The PyPI Attestation failed verification."""
127    def __init__(self: VerificationError, msg: str) -> None:
128        """Initialize an `VerificationError`."""
129        super().__init__(f"Verification failed: {msg}")

The PyPI Attestation failed verification.

VerificationError(msg: str)
127    def __init__(self: VerificationError, msg: str) -> None:
128        """Initialize an `VerificationError`."""
129        super().__init__(f"Verification failed: {msg}")

Initialize an VerificationError.

class VerificationMaterial(pydantic.main.BaseModel):
135class VerificationMaterial(BaseModel):
136    """Cryptographic materials used to verify attestation objects."""
138    certificate: Base64Bytes
139    """
140    The signing certificate, as `base64(DER(cert))`.
141    """
143    transparency_entries: Annotated[list[TransparencyLogEntry], MinLen(1)]
144    """
145    One or more transparency log entries for this attestation's signature
146    and certificate.
147    """

Cryptographic materials used to verify attestation objects.

certificate: Annotated[bytes, EncodedBytes(encoder=<class 'pydantic.types.Base64Encoder'>)]

The signing certificate, as base64(DER(cert)).

transparency_entries: Annotated[list[TransparencyLogEntry], MinLen(min_length=1)]

One or more transparency log entries for this attestation's signature and certificate.

model_config: ClassVar[pydantic.config.ConfigDict] = {}

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].