
A module containing base classes for implementing PolyTracker plugins and commands.

For extending the REPL, see polytracker.repl.


Let’s say you want to implement a new command called foo that can be executed at the command line by running

$ polytracker foo

All you have to do is extend Command:

class Foo(Command):
    name = "foo"
    help = "This is the foo command!"

    def run(self, args: Namespace):
        print("Inside foo!")
        return 0

Simply extending the Command class will automatically register the command.

$ polytracker foo --help
usage: polytracker foo [-h]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
$ polytracker foo
Inside foo!

To add additional command line arguments, extend the Command.__init_arguments__() function:

class Foo(Command):
    name = "foo"
    help = "This is the foo command!"

    def __init_arguments__(parser: ArgumentParser):
        parser.add_argument("--bar", type=str, help="baz")

    def run(self, args: Namespace):
        print(f"Inside foo: {bar!r}")
        return 0
$ polytracker foo --bar baz
Inside foo: "baz"

Next, say you want to add a subcommand to foo called asdf:

$ polytracker foo asdf
Do something completely different!

You can do this by subclassing Subcommand:

class ASDF(Subcommand[Foo]):
    name = "asdf"
    help = "a subcommand of foo"
    parent_type = Foo

    def __init_arguments__(self, parser):
        parser.add_argument("QWERTY", type=str, help="another argument")

    def run(self, args: Namespace):
        print("Inside ASDF: {args.QWERTY!r}")

The idea behind subcommands is that they allow you to programmatically extend any existing command without having to edit the code in which the parent command is implemented.

plugins classes


class polytracker.plugins.AbstractCommand(argument_parser: ArgumentParser, parent: Plugin | None = None)

Bases: Plugin

Abstract base class for PolyTracker commands.

A PolyTracker command is exposed as a command line option.

__init__(argument_parser: ArgumentParser, parent: Plugin | None = None)
__init_arguments__(parser: ArgumentParser)

Initializes this command’s argument parser.

Subclasses should extend this function and add any necessary options to parser.

extension_types: List[Type[CommandExtension]] | None = None

An auto-populated list of eny extensions to this command.

property full_name: str
help: str

Help string for this command.

name: str

The name of this plugin.

parent: Plugin | None

The parent of this plugin, if it is a sub-plugin.

parent_parsers: Tuple[ArgumentParser, ...] = ()

An optional sequence of parent argument parsers from which to parse options.

abstract run(args: Namespace)

Callback for when the command is run.


args – The result of parsing the commandline arguments set up by Command.__init_arguments__().

subcommand_types: List[Type[Subcommand]] | None = None

An auto-populated list of subcommands of this command.

subparser: Any | None = None

A subparser, auto-populated if subcommand_types is not None.


class polytracker.plugins.Command(argument_parser: ArgumentParser)

Bases: AbstractCommand, ABC

A base command class.

__init__(argument_parser: ArgumentParser)
__init_arguments__(parser: ArgumentParser)

Initializes this command’s argument parser.

Subclasses should extend this function and add any necessary options to parser.

extension_types: List[Type[CommandExtension]] | None = None

An auto-populated list of eny extensions to this command.

extensions: List[CommandExtension]
property full_name: str
help: str

Help string for this command.

name: str

The name of this plugin.

parent: Plugin | None

The parent of this plugin, if it is a sub-plugin.

parent_parsers: Tuple[ArgumentParser, ...] = ()

An optional sequence of parent argument parsers from which to parse options.

abstract run(args: Namespace)

Callback for when the command is run.


args – The result of parsing the commandline arguments set up by Command.__init_arguments__().

subcommand_types: List[Type[Subcommand]] | None = None

An auto-populated list of subcommands of this command.

subcommands: List[Subcommand]
subparser: Any | None = None

A subparser, auto-populated if subcommand_types is not None.


class polytracker.plugins.CommandExtension(parent: Plugin | None = None)

Bases: Plugin, Generic[C], ABC

__init__(parent: Plugin | None = None)
property full_name: str
name: str

The name of this plugin.

parent: Plugin | None

The parent of this plugin, if it is a sub-plugin.

property parent_command: C

Returns the parent command associated with this extension

parent_parsers: Tuple[ArgumentParser, ...] = ()
abstract run(command: C, args: Namespace)


class polytracker.plugins.CommandExtensionMeta(name, bases, namespace, /, **kwargs)

Bases: PluginMeta, Generic[C]

A metaclass for command extensions.

__init__(name, bases, clsdict)

Override for isinstance(instance, cls).


Override for issubclass(subclass, cls).


Clear the caches (for debugging or testing).


Clear the registry (for debugging or testing).


Debug helper to print the ABC registry.


Return a type’s method resolution order.

property parent_command_type: Type[C]

Returns the type of this command extension’s parent command.

parent_type: Type[Plugin] | None = None

The type of this plugin’s parent plugin, in the case of sub-plugins.


Register a virtual subclass of an ABC.

Returns the subclass, to allow usage as a class decorator.


class polytracker.plugins.Plugin(parent: Plugin | None = None)

Bases: ABC

Abstract base class for all PolyTracker plugins.

At a minimum, a plugin must define a unique name class member.

__init__(parent: Plugin | None = None)
property full_name: str
name: str

The name of this plugin.

parent: Plugin | None

The parent of this plugin, if it is a sub-plugin.


class polytracker.plugins.PluginMeta(name, bases, namespace, /, **kwargs)

Bases: ABCMeta

Metaclass for PolyTracker plugins.

__init__(name, bases, clsdict)

Override for isinstance(instance, cls).


Override for issubclass(subclass, cls).


Clear the caches (for debugging or testing).


Clear the registry (for debugging or testing).


Debug helper to print the ABC registry.


Return a type’s method resolution order.

parent_type: Type[Plugin] | None = None

The type of this plugin’s parent plugin, in the case of sub-plugins.


Register a virtual subclass of an ABC.

Returns the subclass, to allow usage as a class decorator.


class polytracker.plugins.Subcommand(argument_parser: ArgumentParser, parent: Plugin | None = None)

Bases: Generic[C], AbstractCommand, ABC

An abstract class for PolyTracker subcommands.

__init__(argument_parser: ArgumentParser, parent: Plugin | None = None)
__init_arguments__(parser: ArgumentParser)

Initializes this command’s argument parser.

Subclasses should extend this function and add any necessary options to parser.

extension_types: List[Type[CommandExtension]] | None = None

An auto-populated list of eny extensions to this command.

extensions: List[CommandExtension]
property full_name: str
help: str

Help string for this command.

name: str

The name of this plugin.

parent: Plugin | None

The parent of this plugin, if it is a sub-plugin.

property parent_command: C

Returns the parent command associated with this subcommand.

parent_parsers: Tuple[ArgumentParser, ...] = ()

An optional sequence of parent argument parsers from which to parse options.

abstract run(args: Namespace)

Callback for when the command is run.


args – The result of parsing the commandline arguments set up by Command.__init_arguments__().

subcommand_types: List[Type[Subcommand]] | None = None

An auto-populated list of subcommands of this command.

subcommands: List[Subcommand]
subparser: Any | None = None

A subparser, auto-populated if subcommand_types is not None.

plugins functions


polytracker.plugins.add_command_subparsers(parser: ArgumentParser)

Adds subparsers for all PolyTracker commands