
A module for representing an edit on a multiset.

This is used by graphtage.MultiSetNode and graphtage.DictNode, since the latter is a multiset containg graphtage.KeyValuePairNode objects.

multiset classes


class graphtage.multiset.MultiSetEdit(from_node: graphtage.sequences.SequenceNode, to_node: graphtage.sequences.SequenceNode, from_set: graphtage.utils.HashableCounter[graphtage.TreeNode][graphtage.TreeNode], to_set: graphtage.utils.HashableCounter[graphtage.TreeNode][graphtage.TreeNode])

Bases: graphtage.sequences.SequenceEdit

An edit matching one unordered collection of items to another.

It works by using a graphtage.matching.WeightedBipartiteMatcher to find the minimum cost matching from the elements of one collection to the elements of the other.

__init__(from_node: graphtage.sequences.SequenceNode, to_node: graphtage.sequences.SequenceNode, from_set: graphtage.utils.HashableCounter[graphtage.TreeNode][graphtage.TreeNode], to_set: graphtage.utils.HashableCounter[graphtage.TreeNode][graphtage.TreeNode])

Initializes the edit.

  • from_node – Any sequence node from which to match.

  • to_node – Any sequence node to which to match.

  • from_set – The set of nodes from which to match. These should typically be children of from_node, but this is neither checked nor enforced.

  • to_set – The set of nodes to which to match. These should typically be children of to_node, but this is neither checked nor enforced.

__iter__() → Iterator[graphtage.Edit]

Returns an iterator over this edit’s sub-edits.


The result of AbstractCompoundEdit.edits()

Return type



Tests whether the bounds of this edit are less than the bounds of other.


Returns the bounds of this edit.

This defaults to the bounds provided when this AbstractEdit was constructed. If an upper bound was not provided to the constructor, the upper bound defaults to:

self.from_node.total_size + self.to_node.total_size + 1

A range bounding the cost of this edit.

Return type


edits() → Iterator[graphtage.Edit]

Returns an iterator over this edit’s sub-edits


Returns whether this edit has a non-zero cost.

This will tighten the edit’s bounds until either its lower bound is greater than zero or its bounds are definitive.


A MultiSetEdit is complete after the first call to MultiSetEdit.tighten_bounds().

on_diff(from_node: graphtage.EditedTreeNode)

A callback for when an edit is assigned to an EditedTreeNode in TreeNode.diff().

This default implementation adds the edit to the node, and recursively calls Edit.on_diff() on all of the sub-edits:

from_node.edit = self
for edit in self.edits():

from_node – The edited node that was added to the diff

print(formatter: graphtage.GraphtageFormatter, printer: graphtage.printer.Printer)

Prints this edit.

This is equivalent to:

formatter.get_formatter(self.sequence)(printer, self.sequence)
property sequence

Returns the sequence being edited.

This is a convenience function solely to aid in automated type checking. It is equivalent to:

typing.cast(SequenceNode, self.from_node)

Delegates to WeightedBipartiteMatcher.tighten_bounds().

The matching is complete after the first call to this function, so it also sets self.is_complete to True.

to_insert = None

The set of nodes in to_set that do not exist in from_set.

to_remove = None

The set of nodes in from_set that do not exist in to_set.

property valid

Returns whether this edit is valid